Half Ass

Fat Ass

Bad Ass

It’s really your choice

Get a move on! Together!

  • Healthier: Helps with weight loss

    Powerwalking will help you lose kilos (especially belly fat) and tone your butt, thighs and core. You’ll put your walking shoes on twice a week.

  • Happier: Helps reduce stress

    Powerwalking can help beat those winter blues. You’ll be walking in a group and together we leave the stress of the day behind us.

  • Fitter: Boosts your energy

    Powerwalking increases endorphins which gives you that exercise high. You’ll be moving your butt for an hour of fast-paced walking and doing strength exercises.

POWER walking

POWER effects


No energy? Can’t get your butt off the couch? Research has proven that activity and being together is better for the body and mind.

Powerwalking combines both.

Want to start your fitness journey? Tried running but it’s not for you? NO PROBLEM!

Powerwalking is for everyone.

Join the group led by a certified coach: every Tuesday and Thursday night from 19:30 to 20:30 in Voorschoten


Your first lesson is always for free!




This includes a single one hour lesson to be paid before the start of the lesson via mobile banking.



This is the price per lesson when you buy a membership card that holds 10 one hour lessons. Valid for three months after purchase. Total purchase price is €80.



This is the price per lesson when you buy a membership card that holds 20 one hour lessons. Valid for six months after purchase. Total purchase price is €150.



Super Fit


Enjoy a private lesson with a maximum of 4 people. This lesson can be scheduled upon request, also in the weekend. An ideal activity with a small group of friends!

What People Are Saying


“Enjoying the outdoors, under the guidance of Kendra, Powerwalking in a beautiful environment. Getting fitter with laughing group of girls. The muscle-strengthening exercises in between provide a good variety. Highly recommended to work on your fitness.”

— Lenneke

“How nice is doing sports outside! Especially powerwalking, a really fun and varied full-body workout that gives you energy!”

— Sanne

Book a class.

  • When: Every Tuesday and Thursday

  • Where: Berkhoutpark Voorschoten (entrance Koningin Julianalaan)

  • Time: 19:25-20:30 (we start at 19:30)

  • Good to know:

    • Not sure if this is for you? First lesson is for free!

    • All you need are your running shoes and a smile

    • Lessons take place with a minimum of 4 people. It is required to reserve a spot per lesson.

    • Further conditions apply (conditions)

“It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it”

— Unknown

  • Kendra Jansch

    I believe that every person can live a healthy and happy life. Sometimes you just need a little bit of help.

    I support people in finding their true happy self (again) by helping them gain new insights to become enthusiastic about creating healthy habits.

    You will feel healthier, happier and fitter.

    I am a certified Lifestyle and Powerwalking Coach (accredited BLCN , CPION,BGN) and Weight Loss Consultant in training.